UK Catalysis Hub Data Objects


Data object type (3)
Repository (79)
19 data objects found

Data objects
Name: Optimising Terpene Synthesis with Flow Biocatalysis Date: 2017-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
Description: Sesquiterpenes are an important family of natural products that often exhibit important pharmace...
DOI: 10.17035/d.2016.0011675544 Location:
Article: Optimising Terpene Synthesis with Flow Biocatalysis
Name: PdZn catalysts for CO2 hydrogenation to methanol using chemical vapour impregnation (CVI) Date: 2017-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
Description: The formation of PdZn bimetallic alloys on ZnO, TiO2 and Al2O3 supports was investigated, togeth...
DOI: 10.17035/d.2016.0011312728 Location:
Article: PdZn catalysts for CO2 hydrogenation to methanol using chemical vapour impregnation (CVI)
Name: How bulk and surface properties of Ti4SiC3, V4SiC3, Nb4SiC3 and Zr4SiC3 tune reactivity: a computational study - data Date: 2021-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
Description: The bulk and surface properties of early transition metal silicon carbides as well as their acti...
DOI: 10.17035/d.2021.0128671491 Location:
Article: How bulk and surface properties of Ti4SiC3, V4SiC3, Nb4SiC3 and Zr4SiC3 tune reactivity: a computational study
Name: Operando XAFS investigation on the effect of ash deposition on three-way catalyst used in Gasoline Particulate Filters and the effect of the manufacturing process on the catalytic activity Date: 2021-06-04 00:00:00 UTC
Description: Operando XAFS investigation on the effect of ash deposition on three-way catalyst used in Gasoli...
DOI: 10.5525/gla.researchdata.1141 Location:
Article: Operando XAFS investigation on the effect of ash deposition on three-way catalyst used in gasoline particulate filters and the effect of the manufacturing process on the catalytic activity
Name: Combination of Cu/ZnO methanol synthesis catalysts and ZSM-5 zeolites to produce oxygenates from CO2 and H2 - data Date: 2021-05-16 00:00:00 UTC
Description: Cu/ZnO methanol catalysts were deposited over several ZSM-5 acid zeolites (Si/Al = 30, 50 and 80...
DOI: 10.17035/d.2021.0129557921 Location:
Article: Combination of Cu/ZnO Methanol Synthesis Catalysts and ZSM-5 Zeolites to Produce Oxygenates from CO2 and H2
Name: rsta20200058supp1.docx Date: 2020-07-06 00:00:00 UTC
Description: Supplementary data for Methanol photo-reforming with water on pure titania for hydrogen production
DOI: Location:
Article: Methanol photo-reforming with water on pure titania for hydrogen production
Name: QM/MM study of the stability of dimethyl ether in zeolites H-ZSM-5 and H-Y: data Date: 2020-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
Description: The dataset presented is associated with a computational investigation of how a crucial intermed...
DOI: 10.17035/d.2020.0122278013 Location:
Article: QM/MM study of the stability of dimethyl ether in zeolites H-ZSM-5 and H-Y
Name: Data for "Mechanistic insight into the framework methylation of H-ZSM-5 for varying methanol loading and Si/Al ratio using first principles molecular dynamics simulations" Date: 2020-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
Description: Data is presented for: a) The interaction distances between specific atoms of interest (defined...
DOI: 10.17035/d.2020.0111777454 Location:
Article: Mechanistic Insight into the Framework Methylation of H-ZSM-5 for Varying Methanol Loadings and Si/Al Ratios Using First-Principles Molecular Dynamics Simulations
Name: XPS and STM studies of the oxidation of hydrogen chloride at Cu(100) surfaces Date: 2019-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
Description: XPS and STM studies of the oxidation of hydrogen chloride at Cu(100) surfaces. Data is organised...
DOI: 10.17035/d.2015.100122 Location:
Article: XPS and STM studies of the oxidation of hydrogen chloride at Cu(100) surfaces
Data objects per year
Data objects accumulated vs. per year
Data objects per repository
Repository Data objects 353 173 153 92 64 55 36 33 27 22
Repositories 79
Average: 15.15
Maximum: 353
Minimum: 1
Groups Data objects
1-5 59
6-10 7
11-15 3
more than 20 10

Data object groups
Group Data objects
Compressed file [zip] 14
Crystal structure [cif/pdbe] 436
Dataset 117
Document [pdf/html/docx/ppt] 589
Media File (image/video) 28
Software [app/api/service/source code] 7
xyz 6
Recent data objects
Name Description Publised
Peer Review Information for Methanol-to-Olefins Studied by UV Raman Spectroscopy as Compared to Visible Wavelength Capitalisation on Resonance Enhancement Transparent Peer Review report available (PDF)... 2024
Supplementary information for Methanol-to-Olefins Studied by UV Raman Spectroscopy as Compared to Visible WavelengthCapitalisation on Resonance Enhancement Additional information regarding absorbance bands assigned in literature... 2024
Supporting Information Active and highly durable supported catalysts for proton exchange membrane electrolysers Electronic Supl. Material (ESI) for EES Catalysis.... 2024
Supplementary Information Non-PGM Hollow Fibre-Based After-treatment for Emission Control under Real Diesel Engine Exhaust Gas Conditions Appendix A. Supl. data Word document (4MB) Multimedia component 1. ... 2024
Supporting Information Precious Metal Free Hydrogen Evolution Catalyst Design and Application Catalyst names, activity metrics, mass loadings, and other data, associa... 2024
Supporting Information: Controlled Carbon Dioxide Terpolymerizations to Deliver Toughened Yet Recyclable Thermoplastics Experimental and instrument details, polymer synthesis, characterization... 2024
Electronic Supporting Information (ESI) Structural Selectivity of Supported Pd Nanoparticles: Selective Ethanol Ammoxidation to Acetonitrile Electronic Supl. Material (ESI) for EES Catalysis.... 2024
calculation of Keq Spreadsheet detailing the calculation of Keq (XLSX)... 2024
Supporting Information Quantifying CO2 Insertion Equilibria For Low Pressure Propene Oxide and Carbon Dioxide Ring Opening Copolymerization Catalysts Characterization data of catalysts (1D and 2D NMR spectra, infrared spec... 2024
Athavan_AppliedPhysicsLetters2024 Copies of coordinate files (in xyz format) for the calculated structure Copies of coordinate files (in xyz format) for the calculated structure... 2024

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